Internet of Things- The Future of Connectivity and Communication
IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, and living beings that are provided with unique identifier and an ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human to human and human to machine interaction.
IoT digitises physical assets like sensors, gateways and networks. As it connects machine to machine and people to machine it causes a tremendous growth in volume, variety and velocity of data. This creates significant value generation and revenue generation too for organisation.
The major challenge in IoT system is collecting data from number of sources, process it and taking action in real time. This needs more evolution in analytics techniques and technologies. So the desired business objective is to take advantage of opportunity of easily available data resources, processing the data with highly effective analytics techniques, take real time actions and address problem quickly. In Pre-IoT era the supply chain management was addressing the problem within 2 to 3 days of cycle whereas in IoT era the time of action is been reduced to minutes, seconds and even microseconds. Let’s have a look on some more happenings in this innovative field IoT.
Smart Personal Home Assistance: Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg developed his personal voice controlled digital assistant for his home automation known as “Jarvise”.In his lengthy post on Facebook he has elaborated how he has spent 100 of hours with Jarvise. It can control its almost all appliances including light and toaster. It can play music as per the preferences of Mark as well as his wife depending upon who asks. It can also scan the faces of the visitors and let them enter into the home. It can talk to him like human being and even tell him jokes. Doesn’t it sound like a fantasy or a magic? Yes, Marks Home is the magic of combination of Internet of things and Artificial Intelligence.

The birth of IoT:
Officially till 1999 IoT was not named as IoT. Keven Ashton during his work at Proctor and Gamble is called as the inventor of Internet of Things. Ashton was working on the supply chain management and wanted to attract an attention of his seniors the new existing technology named asRadio Frequency Identification (RFID). The first application of IoT was a coca cola machine. In 1980 it was located in Carriege Melon University. Local programmers would connect by internet to the refrigerated appliances and was able to check an availability of cold drinks and if they are available and cold before making the trip. Later in 1994 Reza Raji, (arguably the first to connect sensors and devices Internet) explained the idea of IoT as “small packets of data to a large set of nodes, so as to integrate and automate everything from home appliances to entire factories”
Exploding Exponentially: Unprecedented Growth and Opportunity
The new wave of connectivity is going beyond laptops and smartphones. Connected cars, smart homes, connected wearable’s smart cities and connected healthcare means basically a connected life.
In 1990 the number of connected devices was 0.3 Million. In 1999 it increased to 90.0 Million, in 2010 it became 5.0 Billion whereas in 2015 it reached a number of 1.5 Trillion. According to Statista (one of the leading statistical portals) the number of connected devices will grow to 31 billion worldwide in 2020.
Winston Churchill once said “To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often”. Technologies today are evolving at quantum speed .To match up with this change we have to ensure we are tuned with these technologies. The convergence of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and cloud has given birth to the innovative and challenging domain of IoT. Exponentially increasing number of interconnected living and physical things are not only bringing the world more closer but also creating ideas to improve the overall state of our lives and environment.
To be part of this unprecedented change that IoT brings, stay tuned and don’t forget to visit