Reimagining Research Methodology With Data Science Few insights: Do you know which is the most famous and most controversial dream in the history of science? It’s a dream of vision of Ouroboros. Ouroboros is a snake consuming its own tail. German chemist Friedrich August Kekulé (1829-1896) witnessed this dream and found the shape of Benzene […]
Innovations, Patents And Big Data Analytics Over the years innovation has become heart of the Indian Governments Economics Policy. This focus of India towards innovations is paying off. Countries rising performance in Global Innovation Index (GII) 2019 is a showcase for how policy efforts can boost innovation capacity and outputs. Last year India ranked 57 […]
Business Intelligence: The strategy behind strategy Human Genome Project: Have you heard about Human Genome project of James Watson? James Watson and his British colleague Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA. Mr. James Watson not only made one of the most fundamental discovery in the history of genetics but also heavily involved […]
How Big is Big Data ? Era of 300 BC – 48 AD: Alexandria: The world’s largest data storage centre. Consists of 180,000 books, Total size of 20 GB. 1663: The first recorded statistical analysis experiments conducted by John Graunt Attempt to curb the spread of the bubonic plague in Europe . 1881: […]
Big Data: An ocean of opportunities We had mentioned in our last blog about the challenge that organisations are facing and that challenge is getting information from the huge amount of data. This is the phenomenon of, “missing fear”, the fear of missing a single business prospect which can hamper the growth of the organisation. […]
NLP-A DIGITAL WORLD OF LANGUAGES AND EMOTIONS Natural Language Processing is one of the very interesting and interactive domain of research in Artificial Intelligence. In 1950 Alan Turing who is called as founder of computer science, mathematician, philosopher, code cracker, strange visionary proposed an experiment to check the ability to carry on believable conversation could […]
Internet of Things- The Future of Connectivity and Communication IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, and living beings that are provided with unique identifier and an ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human to human and human to machine interaction. IoT digitises physical assets like […]
Hackers Vs Crackers Are Hackers Crackers? Hacking is a process of getting into system/network using unauthorised methods to gain access of sensitive information. The question may arise that what is ethical in this as the word “unauthorised” is been used. Here intention of the person who is getting the unauthorised access of the sensitive information […]
AI and Big Data for Education Factory model education system: From last many decades India is producing millions of students with an irrelevant skillset required for the industrial and financial growth of the country. This gap of skillset as per the emerging trends in technology is exponentially increasing and it is not only affecting the […]
Hadoop- The Baby Elephant for Big Data What is Hadoop? “Apache software foundation” (ASP) is non-profit organization and a global community of S/W development has developed “Hadoop”,the open source framework which allows distributed processing of large dataset across cluster of computers, using simple programming model. Hadoop-The true story! To help people to find relevant information […]
Digital Forensic-The Digital Secrets Introduction: Digital forensic is a branch of forensic science and is defined as a process of obtaining, interpreting, and uncovering electronic data from electronic storage devices. The exponential growth in volume of data with wide variety of devices and formats has led to rise in the use of digital forensics. Before […]
Big Data for MysmartFarm: Be Tech-Inspired Wolfgang von Loeper the owner of Mysmartfarm, open Innovator and an Entrepreneur resides in Cape Town Area of South Africa. In the interview published in Data Science Weekly he has opened up all the secrets of his passion towards Big Data Analysis for agricultural research. He wasborn is Africa and went […]
Artificial Intelligence and its Research Domains There are five different research domains in Artificial Intelligence. Let’s go through them one by one. 1.Expert system design: The expert systems are the computer applications developed to solve complex problems in a particular domain, at the level of extra-ordinary human intelligence and expertise. Expert system design comprises AI […]